The Only Backend Your Game Needs
Authentication. Customize endlessly using Backend Scripting.
Scale effortlessly with DDoS Mitigation and Monitoring.
Dedicated Game Server Hosting
Autoscaling & instant servers. Includes DDoS mitigation, monitoring, & crash reporting. Supports TCP, UDP, WebSockets, & more.
Matchmaking, Lobbies, & Parties
Supports casual, competitive, MMO, and turn-based. Works with server-authoritative, P2P, & async multiplayer.
Accounts, Friends, & Presence
Display friends online & facilitate playing together. Authenticate with email, username, or social.
100% Modular & Scriptable
Pick and choose modules to use. Easily write server-side scripts & real-time actors. Database included for free. Powered by Open Game Backend.
...and so much more
Powering play sessions
for FPS games
Single Tool to Manage Your Game Servers & Backend
Manage running servers, see players online, view logs, inspect crashes, and monitor performance.

Seamlessly Built into Your Favorite Engine
- Create & deploy a multiplayer game from scratch in under 5 minutes
- Deploy existing multiplayer games using integrations with networking libraries
- One-click deploys for playtesting
- Includes tools for developing multiplayer games locally
- High quality SDKs & documentation
Included for Free
Need even more customization?
Write backend modules with TypeScript, Postgres, and real-time actors. Auto-generate SDKs for your module to use in engine. Reuse modules across multiple games with registries.
DocumentationBuild with low-level APIs for highly custom use cases. Includes APIs for provisioning servers, customizing networking, managing builds, and tuning DDoS protection rules.
Build custom deploy pipelines using Rivet's cloud APIs. Anything you can do via a GUI is available as an API & CLI.
DocumentationWorks with your favorite tools & existing backends. Integrate Rivet incrementally without having to rewrite anything.
DocumentationOur commitment to open-source
Everyone who works at Rivet has shipped a multiplayer game. We've all experienced how much time & money is required to ship a game, and how much harder it is to maintain it.
We refused to use closed-source solutions that locked us in and failed to grow alongside our use cases, so we always opted to build solutions ourselves. To build the tool we needed, we knew it had to make it radically open-source.
The future of game development is open-source and we're here to lead the way.